Not everyone has a sewing machine at home or the necessary sewing skills. However, you have been thinking about making a small cushion for your kitty for a few days. To make it easier for you, here is a no-sew DIY model that will allow you to please your canine friend by offering him a designer and no-sew cushion.

✅ What do you need?
To make your no-sew dog cushion , you need:
1️⃣ 2 pieces of fabric of one meter
2️⃣ Scissors
3️⃣ Foam to fill the cushion
✅ First phase: cutting
The advantage of a DIY dog cushion is that you can choose a specific cushion size. After you have defined the dimensions you want to adopt, add 20 cm. Take your pieces of fabric and cut them to the desired size + 20 cm. Both pieces should be cut to the same size and overlap. Your cushion can have any shape you want.
✅ Second phase: cut the bangs
Once you have found the desired size for your dog cushion , you can start cutting the fringe. How to do it? Simply cut the fringe 10 cm long and about 1 cm wide around the pieces of fabric of your choice.
✅ Third phase: the fringe
This project is seamless. So you will need a method to join the fabrics. We suggest you take care of the fringe for this. Starting from the corner, gently tie the fringes of the two fabrics together. This step can be time consuming, as you have to do it one by one. Always make sure that the two fabrics overlap. Make sure to leave a hole so that you can stuff the dog cushion . Make sure that the fringe is well tied, because the dog could attack the cushion and the fragile fringe would not hold.
✅ Fourth phase: fill in
Now it's time to start stuffing your dog bed . To do this, you'll need some foam or cotton wool. Remember that little opening you left? That's where the stuffing will go. Once the stuffing is perfect, you can start closing the remaining fringe. In no time, you'll have a beautiful cushion for your faithful companion.
🔥 Don't wait any longer and join the many satisfied dog owners by getting your dog cushion now on! Transform your daily life and make your life easier by adopting the best cushion for your faithful companion.
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