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Which dog should be kept on a leash?

Which dog should be kept on a leash?

Leash Rules: What They Are and Why They Matter

If you’re a dog lover like we are at Sanedoggy , you’ll understand the joy of seeing your dog run free and have fun in the great outdoors. Sometimes leash laws can be frustrating and you may wonder, “Why can’t I just let my dog ​​be a dog and run around?” While they can be annoying, leash laws exist to keep dogs and everyone else safe. Read on to learn more about leash laws and why they’re important for you, your dog, and everyone else.

What are the rules regarding leashes?


Dog leash laws vary from state to state, county to county, and even city to city. The general rule is that dogs must be leashed in public places. If you're unsure of the laws in your area, check your local dog leash laws before heading out on the town with your dog.

Why are leash laws important?


If you have a well-behaved dog, you may think that you can let him off leash because he always obeys you. However, leash laws apply to all dogs, no matter how well-behaved they are. Leash laws are in place to keep everyone safe, including your dog. We've listed several ways that leash laws keep everyone safe, including your dog.

Helping others feel safe

One of the main reasons to keep your dog on a leash is to protect the people around you. Not everyone likes dogs; in fact, many people are downright terrified of dogs! Keeping your dog on a leash can help others feel safer and happier in public places.

Ensuring the safety of pets

Refusing to leash your dog protects him and other pets. You may have a well-behaved dog, but you can't always predict or control his behavior. You also can't control the reactions of other dogs. Not all dogs are friendly toward others. Leashing dogs helps keep them out of the way, at a safe distance, if necessary.

Protect wildlife

Dogs are generally interested in small animals running around them. Your dog may not immediately jump on a squirrel. However, you can't always know how he will react to wild animals. Keeping dogs on a leash protects wild animals from intrusion and attacks by dogs. Keeping your dog on a leash also protects him from wild animals that can carry diseases that are deadly to dogs and prevents him from ingesting harmful weeds.

Dog-friendly public spaces

Many public spaces are dog-friendly, but they almost always require dogs to be on a leash. Ensuring your dog is on a leash will ensure that they are welcome in these public spaces and will help keep them safe. If you are taking your dog to a busy part of town, keeping them on a leash can also help protect them from potential road accidents.

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